Thursday, March 18, 2010

Welcome Spring!

Almost all the snow has melted from the city parks and fields, giving my hometown the illusion of springtime. A chinook earlier this week had everyone out in shorts and on patio decks as the temperature hit twenty degrees celsius. Children frolicked. Old people smiled. Lovers embraced. For a hours in the middle of the week it was as if I caught a glimpse of a happy future: Spring.

Aspects of my professional work are seasonal and March always signals the beginning of the home stretch and I can feel the stress start to melt away.

*For the record, I remember watching this video on a grainy pirate VHS tape in the backroom of some nightclub with dozens of other eager music fans. This was the closest we could get to the real thing. I made a lot of friends that night squished into that tiny room trying to make out the blurry on-screen images. Now YouTube makes it all available at the press of a button, but without the possibility of future friendships.