Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Bookends

As with music, this month has been rather slow. To be honest, I'll blame it on picking up a copy of Civilization 4 and spending entirely too much time playing it. There's only so many hours in a day, and I took a little break from things after my daughter wrapped up her soccer season and Kiwanis performances earlier in the month.

Anyways, only two books this month, and nothing new to add. I should really be finished I Slept With Joey Ramone by now, and I hope to have it done in the next week. It's borne the brunt of my Civilization diversion. It's been a fascinating read and I'm really happy with it. The other book I started reading this month was something I picked up back in 2006 believe it or not, and have only managed to get around to now. It's The Chomsky-Foucault Debate On Human Nature, a collection of interviews between the two men. Apparently, they only ever sat down to talk to each other face-to-face once, in 1971 (that's the part I've just finished reading), and the reminder of the book is a couple of interviews each gave in the years that followed addressing some of the issues they spoke about. It's really interesting to see how the germs of their different positions were laid out at the time. I promise to say more when I'm done.

Books Read

Currently Reading
Mickey Leigh (with Legs McNeil), I Slept With Joey Ramone: A Family Memoir (2009)
Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, The Chomsky-Foucault Debate on Human Nature (2006)

Books Acquired