The Olympics are over and in the final analysis Canada did good despite all my misgivings. It was two weeks of living vicarious through athletes who became a part of our families and communities. Own the Podium appears to have been worthwhile, but I think the real reason for our success are the two items pictured above. As part of her own Olympian efforts in her Ravelry knitting community, my wife completed 9.5 of 10 socks she had hoped to complete during the games (that final hockey was just too engrossing), including these magical red and gold socks that seemed to open the medal flood gates for Canada. Over the last five days of the Games, Canada's medal count went from a topic of national worry and debate to an unprecedented celebration of gold medals for a host nation. Certainly the hard work of the athletes is a part of the story, but the fact that my wife wore these lucky socks straight through those last five days is another one.
Not to be outdone, my daughter made her own Canadian rally flag, the energetic waving of which tended to coincide with favourable outcomes for Canada. Thus, headed into the overtime of the Men's Hockey Final, my house was a flurry of homemade flags, socks, shouting, and anguished floor slapping all culminating in a final "I Love You Sidney Crosby!" screamed by my daughter as the game-winning goal slid past the line.