July 1 is the traditional Dominion Day celebrating the creation of Canada's Constitution and official recognition as a quasi-independent unit within the British Empire. It also works well with the majority of Canadians because it coincides with the end of the K-12 school year. Here in Calgary it also unofficially kicks off the Calgary Exhibition & Stampede. People get together and frolic outside, families host BBQ's and block parties. It's great - there's poutine, beer, maybe some lacrosse, but no hockey.
What's Canada Day without hockey? I'm surprised no one has thought about it before.
Let's make Canada Day June 1.
Not only will we make it June 1 but we'll also strong-arm NHL Commissioner Gary Bettmann into confirming June 1 as the mandatory end of hockey playoffs. Imagine one of Games 4 - 7 of the final series being played on a national holiday in Canada! It'd be like the Super Bowl! It'd be like the '02 Olympics every year! If June 1 fell on a Friday we could make it a long weekend and have an extra game on Sunday night. Nothing would get, a nation would shut down, and the people would cheer!