Monday, March 7, 2011

How to Avoid Traffic Jams

I saw this earlier today from Guy Kawasaki's Alltop and it's proof that my interest in parking lots has expanded to include traffic. Here are my top five suggestions to avoid traffic jams (some of which are listed below as well):

1. Live closer to where you work.
Some people consider this a luxury, but in reality it's about better urban planning. People shouldn't have to criss-cross the city twice a day.
2. Carpool. During the last major survey of car ridership (the 1990s GoPlan), vehicle occupancy was 1.1 passengers per vehicle. More people per car = less cars on the road.
3. Do not change lanes unless absolutely needed. As the graphic below explains, changing lanes is one of the leading causes of congestion.
4. Avoid left turns. It might appear to take longer but that's not always the case. Plus it cuts down on spillover from the lefthand turning lane plugging up approaching lanes.
5. Work off-hours. There's not a lot of compelling reasons for everyone work within the same eight-hour window, especially with the rise of globally decentralized office work.