I would still like to throw my two cents in though, since I will have to enjoy Sled Island vicariously through all of you:
Wednesday, June 24
I've seen both SNFU (playing at the Ship), and The Superfantastics (at Verns) and they are great bands. The Factory Parties (at the Uptown) are quickly becoming legendary, presenting a good opportunity to network with friends about how to spend the rest of Sled Island. If you're not going to see Dragon Fli Empire later in the week, I'd recommend seeing them now. I would be ducking out of the Factory Party to go see Pete Samples at Tubby Dog.
What I will really be doing: Errands and working on writing projects that I would normally be using the daylight hours on the weekend to accomplish.
Thursday, June 25
I have friends in Woodpigeon, Hot Little Rocket, and Cripple Creek Fairies and I encourage everyone to check them out if you haven't seen them before. Woodpigeon is on earlier enough that I would probably go see them at Central United before running over to check out Japandroids at the Legion since their album Post-Nothing, is shaping up to be one of my favourites so far this year.
What I will really be doing: Last minute wedding errands or babysitting for those that are.
Friday, June 26
My initial Sled Island pipe dream involved seeing the Breeders at Olympic Plaza with my daughter, since we both loved last summer's album. However, 9:30 PM is a little late for a five year old to be hanging out downtown, even if it's with her old man. With that in mind, Mt. Royal and Puberty (at the Marquee Room) are two bands I've been meaning to see for awhile, and this would have been an excellent opportunity to kill to birds with one stone.
What I will really be doing: Unless Sled Island has booked bands at the airport, where I'm scheduled to spend the night picking up cousins, my musical opportunities appear grim.
Saturday, June 27
The Bronx at the Distillery. Prepare for mischief and mayhem.
What I will really be doing: praying to good they don't play Andrea Boccelli at the reception.
Sunday, June 28
Hiphop Doc: The Art of the Rhyme, The Plaza Theatre
What I will really be doing: Options are open here. The morning after an Italian wedding could be anything, including disposing of bodies.