I finished reading Nick Hornby's Slam! and look forward to his latest novel Juliet, Naked, since all my friends are basically saying that it nails myself and my CJSW friends and our musical/pop culture obsessions. Slam! was a surprisingly warm and endearing look at teenage pregnancy and coming of age story of a sixteen year old boy obsessed with Tony Hawk.
I also finished a broad overview of the history of educational thinking (in the United States) and it's kind of shocking that it essentially ended in the 1950s. Yes, there was a chapter on Paulo Friere and the merging of liberation theology and education, but nothing by anyone relative to the changes brought about by new technologies.
I also picked up a copy of The Bearded Gentleman, just in time to try and grow a beard during the hottest months of the year. The timing is perfect, n'est-ce pas?
Currently Reading
Douglas Coupland, The Gum Thief (2007)
Books Read
Nick Hornby, Slam! (2008)
Gerald Lee Gutek, Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education: A Biographical Introduction (2004)
Books Acquired
Allan Peterkin & Nick Burns, The Bearded Gentleman - The Art of Shaving Face (2010)