As the month draws to a close, I am just closing the cover on Let The Great World Spin Colm McCann's fictionalized account of events in New York City during the 1970s on the day when a man walked across a tightrope strung between the World Trade Center towers. It's a great character study, with the city itself one of the main characters, and stands quite nicely as a much more compact and unassuming companion to Don Delillo's Underworld.
Last month I read Richard DuFour's book on Professional Learning Communities, Learning by Doing. This month, I'm reading David Townsend's Made In Alberta Reply, Essential Questions. One day soon I hope to update my Exploding Beakers blog with some brief thoughts of these work related books.
I also started reading British historian Eric Hobsbawm's slim volume On The Edge Of A New Century because I was bored one night and frankly too lazy to go all the way downstairs to get my other books out of the trunk of my car. Hobsbawm used to review jazz records under a pseudonym as an undergraduate back in the 1930s, so we get along fine.
With luck, December will be a lot quieter and I'll be able to dip into some pocketbooks.
Books Read
Colm McCann, Let The Great World Spin (2009)
Currently reading:
Eric Hobsbawm, On The Edge Of A New Century (2000)
David Townsend, Pamela Adams - The Essential Question: A Handbook For School Improvement (2009)
J. Lloyd Trump - A School For Everyone (1977)*
Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter - Rich Dad, Poor Dad(1997)*
*I'm in no hurry to finish these, but for different reasons
Books Acquired
Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays (2009)
Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter - Rich Dad, Poor Dad(1997)*
*I'm in no hurry to finish these, but for different reasons
Books Acquired
Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays (2009)