I love June when the lilacs are in bloom and the air fills me with more optimism than at any other time of year. Ideas for summer projects are born as work begins to wind down. Travel plans are considered, vacation schemes hatched, and of course, I always think that I will have time enough to accomplish everything that I can think of during these heady early days at the start of the month. People in my office are happy and smiling as the end of work nears and its resumption so far away. Meetings are held out-of-doors on patios, or sitting among the fragrant grass and the sombre dress tones of winter are chased away by bright spring colours. Everything seems possible and near at hand.
June is hockey playoffs and BBQs. Late nights spent playing soccer or baseball with friends. Walks in the afternoon, pushing kids on swings or bikes. Slurpees and ice cream. Punk rock shows. Midnight movies leading into early morning coffees and enjoying the last few moments of quiet before the insanity of the Stampede.