The real news though, as many of you know from past postings, is that I'm working on a novel. I've been haphazardly plodding my way through a couple of ideas over the last few years, but back in June I gave myself the challenge of committing to finishing one before September 1st.
This afternoon I broke through 50,000 words (or roughly 200 pages) my main work in progress. It's about success and alienation, family and identity, Vancouver and Calgary, while using the 2008 financial meltdown as a backdrop. It's got love, death, laughter, tears, and even a little violence. I think the only thing that's missing is a bit with a dog...
I've managed to double my total word count in the last month, figuring that I'm over the two-thirds hump. Unfortunately, I estimate that I've still got 15-20,000 words to go with just a little over two weeks left, making me a little nervous about meeting my self-imposed deadline.